Saturday, June 6, 2009

How The Internet Works

Hi and welcome to my blog spot. I'm Karl Brinsdon and I'm 8 years old. I live in Mosgiel, New Zealand.
I made this blog for an award at school called a
PRIDE award and thought I'd do How the Internet Works for my research topic.

This is me busking in Dunedin with my red guitar. Since Christmas i've earned over $450!!!!!!

For my PRIDE
award I'm going to busk to raise money for the SPCA.

This picture is me with my spiked up hair from a Studio 2 competition. I didn't win, but this picture was on tv the next day!!

This is my playful 2 year old black labrador April.

I feed her and she g
ives high fives and... she even shakes hands!!

And now, here's my research topic...

How The Internet Works

t all started in 1969 by the American defence force as a research project for communicating. After this, there were lots of networks popping up for sending files and communicating. The different networks couldn't connect to each other because of the different methods they used.

In 1983 TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol) were created and was able to connect a network of networks and this is now the Internet

In the diagram above, it shows that to get a web page on screen, other computers send the web page from computer to computer until it gets to where it's been requested. It won't always take the same route. It will go different directions each time.

The Internet grew from 1,000 computers connected in 1984 to 100,000 in 1989!!! In 1992, www (the world wide web) was invented to allow people to search for information, but this was only text. In 1993 you could view graphics, hear sounds and watch videos.